How to Break the Cycle and Take Control of Your Money

If you feel like your finances are out of control—like an invisible force is pushing you to spend more than you should, live paycheck to paycheck, or repeat the same money patterns over and over—you’re not alone. There’s something bigger at play. And no, it’s not simply a lack of discipline.

To understand it, we first need to talk about Reality Transurfing, a philosophical system developed by Vadim Zeland. According to this theory, reality operates as an infinite flow of possibilities, and what we experience is just the result of aligning with one of those possibilities. A key concept here is the idea of “pendulums”: collective energetic structures that feed on our attention and emotions.

These pendulums can be:

  • Ideologies: Beliefs imposed by society or powerful groups telling us how we “should” think, without allowing us to explore other perspectives.
  • Fads and trends: They dictate what we should wear, listen to, or consume, creating the feeling that if we don’t follow the crowd, we’ll be left out.
  • Family pressure: Expectations from our loved ones about what we should study, how we should live, or what we should spend our money on.
  • Bad habits and laziness: Behavior patterns that keep us stuck in our comfort zone and prevent us from moving toward a more conscious and fulfilling life.

What effect does this have on you? Anxiety, stress, and a loss of energy. Worst of all, you might not even realize you’re trapped in that dynamic. These pendulums can be thought groups, ideologies, or systems that absorb our energy without us noticing.

Now, what does this have to do with money?

The Financial Pendulum: How It Keeps Us Trapped

Advertising, social media, the news, and even family expectations can push us into a cycle of earning, spending, going into debt, and repeating. From the culture of impulsive consumption to the belief that “you have to work harder to earn more,” these pendulums dictate our decisions without us even realizing it.

  • Beliefs about success: We’re taught that the “right” path is to study, get a job, and work hard to climb the ladder. But there’s not enough room at the top for everyone.
  • The effort trap: Often, the “reward” for being the best worker is just more work, not true financial freedom.
  • The rat race: We’re taught that the correct path is to study, get a job, and work hard to rise through the ranks. Yes, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, but it’s what everyone does. The problem is that there isn’t enough space at the upper levels for all, so good luck.

The key to Financial Transurfing is learning how to step away from these pendulums and take control of our finances with awareness and choice. Instead of reacting to external demands, we can decide how to manage our money in a strategic way that aligns with our true goals.

How to Apply Financial Transurfing in Your Life

  1. Identify your financial pendulums: Observe which money beliefs you’ve inherited and whether they truly help you. Do you spend to impress? Do you think saving is a sacrifice? Do you feel investing is too risky?
  2. Change your frequency: If a pendulum is pulling you toward scarcity or anxiety about money, shift your focus. It’s not about “fighting” the system, but about sliding into a different reality where money is a tool, not a source of stress.
  3. Use financial management principles with detachment: It’s not about obsessing over every cent, but about making financial decisions free from emotional baggage. Automate your savings, invest without irrational fear, and don’t get swept up by collective hysteria over economic crises.
  4. Build your own financial reality: Define what abundance means to you and act accordingly. Don’t be limited by what society says economic success is. The important thing is that your money works for you, not the other way around.

Breaking the financial cycle isn’t about luck or magic formulas. It’s about perception and choice. Just like in Reality Transurfing, in Financial Transurfing the power lies in choosing which reality we want to live in and what financial system we want to build for ourselves.

So tell me: Are you going to keep feeding the financial pendulum, or will you start sliding toward a freer economic reality?